
The Parish Council meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except August and December.  Meetings take place in the Village Hall, William Burt Centre, Watering Lane, West Winch at 7.30pm and a list of dates are shown on the Meeting Date page.

Meeting Dates for 2024

Tuesday 16th January
Tuesday 20th February
Tuesday 19th March
Tuesday 26th March Annual Residents Meeting
Tuesday 16th April
Tuesday 21st May
Tuesday 18th June
Tuesday 16th July
Tuesday 17th September
Tuesday 15th October
Tuesday 19th November

Ordinary Council Meetings

These are the normal meetings which are held 10 times a year and is where the Council undertake the general business of running the village.   Time is allocated at the beginning of the meeting for the Police, Borough Councillors, County Councillors  and Residents to speak before the meeting formally begins.

Annual Council Meeting

The Parish Council year starts in May when this meeting is held.  This is a statutory meeting and must be held within 14 days of the election in an election year or otherwise any day in May.  The first duties of that meeting are to elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, followed by appointments to outside bodies and to committees.  This meeting is usually fairly short and when the meeting closes the Ordinary Council Meeting takes place.

Annual Residents Meeting

This is an open meeting, although if the Chairman (or in their absence the Vice Chairman) of the Parish Council is present they must preside at the meeting.  Any local government registered elector of the parish is entitled to be present and speak and vote at the meeting.  From 2018 this meeting will be held in March, a week after the Ordinary Council Meeting.


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